What are the qualities of a good and strong woman? To find out, read on. These qualities define a good woman, as well as what makes her special. A good woman is passionate about life. She lives with the intention of exploring, changing, and improving herself. A strong woman is fearless when it comes to setting goals, and has a great sense of loyalty. She’s also a strong support system for other women and tries to be a rock for her friends.
Intelligence is another quality that a strong woman has. While many men will go for a beautiful woman looks, intelligence and emotional intelligence are equally important. A woman who is intelligent will be able to make good financial decisions. In addition, a woman who is intelligent will be compassionate and understand others’ emotions.

Honesty is another quality that a good woman should possess. A woman who lies won’t last long in a relationship, and she won’t be a good lover or best friend. A woman who is frank about her feelings will be a better lover than one who lies. Relationships are a two-way street, and honesty is a virtue that no woman can do without.
A good woman is a great listener. She will listen to what you have to say, but will also exercise silence when necessary. A good woman is able to multitask with her friends and family, as well as her work. Communication is essential to a successful relationship. It is the most important of all qualities in a woman.

A good woman has great goals. She doesn’t spend time gossiping. She has goals to crush, and families to raise. A good woman knows that she can’t be everything to her husband, and she can’t become like them. A good woman knows that she has the right stuff in life, and doesn’t need to change her life for another man. A good woman has her own unique set of priorities. She doesn’t let others dictate her.