Look At Other People

When trying to figure out your style, it’s a good idea to take a look at what other people wear. You can start by looking at friends or family members, but you can also find great inspiration on social media sites like Instagram. Look at pictures of well-dressed people—men or women—and try to figure out what it is about their outfits that you like.

Keep A Wishlist

Creating a Wishlist is an excellent way to keep track of items that you are coveting or would like to add to your wardrobe. When making this list, it is important to focus on items that will help you merge your current closet with your newly defined style and have high ROI in moving you towards full embodiment of your three-word style definition. 

Try On Different Outfits

Creating a style identity is all about finding the clothes that make you feel great. That means trying on lots of different outfits and keeping a binder with a few saved photos of your favourite looks.

The next step is to review your existing wardrobe with a critical eye. Get rid of anything that doesn’t work with the overall vibe you want to give off, and use what’s left as a basis for shopping.

Take Pictures

Taking pictures of yourself is a great way to get a better idea of how you look in different outfits. Make sure you’re happy, smiling or laughing (smiley pics are more flattering), and that you’re capturing your best angles. Studying photos of your favorite influencers can also help—look for poses and facial expressions that they often use, then try them yourself.