If you’ve recently installed brand-new windows and doors in Glasgow, you’ve probably wondered how to take care of them. We know that every homeowner desires to maintain the state of its doors and windows as new as possible for as long as possible. There are several steps you can take to maximize their performance and longevity. One of the best and simplest things you can do is to check the seals and caulking regularly. Then, be sure to use the locking mechanisms and operators properly. Read on for helpful tips and suggestions.

After installation, you should make sure your windows are properly protected against damage and staining. Keep in mind that your new windows will have manufacturer’s labels on the glass. Most manufacturers make this task easy to do by making the labels easily removable. To remove them, you can use baking soda or rubbing alcohol or even a hairdryer to melt the glue. You should also keep in mind that some paints are spirit-based.

boy cleaning windows

Regular Cleaning Is Essential

The exterior glass of your new windows and doors Glasgow may be coated with special materials to improve their thermal performance and reduce heat transfer. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t clean them regularly. While it may seem tempting to wipe off dirt and grime daily, avoid using chemicals or abrasive cleaners, and test any new cleaning solution in a small area first. Make sure to clean the weep and drainage holes regularly as well.

Proper cleaning and maintenance are essential to the longevity of your new windows and doors Glasgow. While a thorough cleaning every few weeks is not necessary to ensure perfect functionality, it’s important to do it regularly. Clean windows are important for aesthetic reasons, so make sure they get regular attention. And remember, proper window maintenance can make your windows last for many years. By following these tips, you’ll have a long-lasting window installation that will add appeal to your home.

Cleaning window frames and glass should be performed at least twice a year. When cleaning the glass, be sure to rinse the window tracks, which can become a muddy mess. To prevent this from happening, clean the window tracks regularly with soap and water. And make sure you clean the screens a few times a year, as well. Wipe them with a soft cloth if they look dirty.


Final Words

Periodically apply lubricant to the panes. The lubricant will keep your windows and doors Glasgow functioning efficiently and reduce the risk of rust, ice buildup and water penetration. In addition to cleaning your new windows, you should also periodically check the caulking around the window frames. Check the caulking on the interior and exterior annually for cracks. If you notice moisture between panes, it’s a sign that the insulating unit has failed and will need to be replaced.